My 30 New Years Resolutions...

So... I do my New Year's Resolution on my birthday. I figure, it is my real new year and I guess it's more meaningful that way..

Here are a couple of my resolutions...
1. Publish Anna Hayes Photography website & get a facebook fan/like page.
2. Have pictures taken of all of us by one of my favorite photographers.
3. Complete 3 photo projects that I've been wanting to try & add a new addition to my blog.
4. Start the 365 day project.. Yes, I'm jumping on board.. More on that coming soon.. 
6. Hold 2-5 photography contest
7. Buy a bike and cruise at the beach with all my boys.
8. Be more experimental with foods. I have a pretty bland palette right now so I'm on a mission to try and enjoy a variety of foods that I've been missing out on.
9. Be more organized
10. and of course.. it wouldn't be complete if I didn't say..  Lose Weight/Get Fit.. I wanna get back into my old skinny jeans.. INSANITY here I come!

Those are just some that I can think of right now.. Through out the year I will be updating my list with progress and posting it here. Let me know whacha think! 
and, because every post is a little better with a picture.. here are a couple from my bday dinner!
"Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right!"

Until next time...

Much Love,

Prom+Beach=Fun times...

A couple weeks ago, I took some pictures of our friend's daughter.. It was her prom night, and even though they didn't get to go, they had a blast playing the part :)  Check em out...

Proud Daddy...
After a quick outfit change, we headed out to the beach for some fun... It turned out to be overcast that day, but that didn't wipe the smile off their faces :P 
I loved looking through all of the beach pictures.. there wasn't one that didn't put a smile on my face.. The next two are runner ups for my favorite of the day...

Coming up...
Much Love,

Happy Birthday to my Drew!

I can't believe how fast time flies! Today, my baby is FIVE!!! I wanted to write this post as a personal one.. One that I can look back at in another 5 years and reminisce on these times.. Right now, Drew is really into Monsters, Robots, Gadgets, building things, Kung-Zhu Pets, and Super Soakers. He still enjoys dressing up in his favorite super hero costumes or acting like the house pet  :P I know it sounds a little weird, but I love it when he hops on the couch and cuddles next to me and shakes his leg as though it's his tail :) I love that he's just a kid, having fun.. doing what he loves :)

Here are a couple pictures I took within the past couple of weeks that I wanted to post.. 

Here he is at his friends birthday party. I definitely would have to say, that day was one of our best Drew & Mommy days ever.. It was a nice sunny outside and as we were walking to the party we couldn't help but notice the reggae playing in the background. Drew's eyes lite up & he got the biggest smile on his face because he knew it was Bepah singing (he thinks Bepah was Bob Marley once :P) When we got there, we played frisbee, painted fish picture frames, played ring toss, and slide down the hill together on a huge ice cube over and over and over :P 

Drew Loves Monsters.. he wanted a monster cake or cupcakes with eyeballs coming out of it and since its summer time, I had no luck finding anything close.. so I had to come up with plan B.. I know that he really wanted to gross everyone out in school just to get a chuckle so I decided to make dirt, worm cupcakes..  He's sooo excited about these cupcakes and he cant wait to see the look on everyones faces when he brings them in :)

This picture was taken yesterday.. We went to Daniel's jujitsu class and the teacher offered Drew a free practice class as his birthday gift.. we were planning on waiting until September to sign him up but we just might have to sign him up sooner :) After class, Daniel couldn't stop talking about what a great class it was and how proud he was of Drew for doing such a great job his first time. Drew loved it so much he didn't want to take his Gi off :P I was so proud of both of my boys.. Drew paid close attention to the instructor and followed his every move and Daniel finally acted like a big brother and took Drew under his wing. For the first time, they were able to hang out together, have a good time and not fight.. not even once.. :)  *This picture was taken on my iPhone..

Okay, okay, enough of my blabbing.. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day :)

Coming up...

Much Love,

Happy Birthday Kristen!

Just wanted to give a quick shout-out to a dear friend of mine and show her some Birthday-Love. I met Kristen a couple years ago and discovered that we went to high school together and that we both have a passion for photography. Kristen has been a great friend to me, very honest, encouraging, supportive and is one of the few that can take my random-ness :P

Thank you so much for all that you have done! You have absolutely been a wonderful friend to me and I don't know how to thank you enough! I wish you the best birthday ever and many more to come! 

Here is a picture of Kristen and I at an engagement shoot we did a while back..

Hope everyone is having a wonderful friday!

Much Love,

Mrs. Natalie

I spent the morning up in the beautiful P.V. with Natalie & her husband for some portraits. I absolutely loved working with them. We clicked from the moment we met so you know there was a ton of chit-chat in between takes and a lot of laughs..  Natalie was a natural in front of the camera which made my day so much easier.. Check her out doin her thang!

Natalie: Thank you so much for spending the day with me.. you are super sweet and beautiful! Keep on strut'n your stuff gurl!

I have a couple projects in the works so stay tuned!

Much Love,